
Austrinus It is the astronomy site of Farid Char.
This space was inaugurated on 11/25/2000 and its name means “austral” or “from the south” in Latin.

This name serves to better identify the origin of its contents, created from the Southern Hemisphere: 23°39' S and 70°25' W (Antofagasta, Chile).

In astronomy, the name is present in the constellation Pisces Austrinus.

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Space exploration

Featured space missions

This list, without intending to be extensive, seeks to present some of the main space missions that have had as their main purpose the exploration of a celestial body in the inner, outer Solar System, or beyond the Solar System. All of these missions have not been manned, however they have managed to send us an enormous amount of data, either through images or technical data, including robots and probes that have managed to land on other worlds.

Indoor Solar System

MissionRelease yearAimReferential imageLink
Mars Phoenix2007Destined to land and remain statically at one of the poles of Mars, in order to find ice and take samples for study.Official Web
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter2005It is expected to be able to obtain detailed information on the Martian surface, which among other objectives has the purpose of examining potential landing zones for future missions on the surface, and making transmissions for them.Official Web
Deep Impact2005Study the comet Tempel 1 through the impact of a projectile, in order to further study the composition of the comet. It is expected to obtain very valuable data for the scientific community, including knowing the conditions when the Solar System was formed.Official Web
Venus Express2005The objectives of this spacecraft, launched on November 9, 2005 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan), are to study the atmosphere, the surface, as well as better understand the complex greenhouse effect that is present on this planet.Official Web
MESSENGER2004Mercury is the least studied planet, so this exploration will mean doing something that has not been done in 30 years: exploring its surroundings. This probe was designed to withstand high temperatures, because this planet is the closest to the Sun.Official Web
Mars Express2003Among its main objectives are finding water and knowing in depth whether there are possibilities for the planet to host life forms; We also hope to better understand the geology of our neighboring planet.Official Web
Mars Exploration Rovers2003Using images and spectra taken daily from the Spirit and Opportunity rovers, scientists will guide the rover toward rock and soil targets of interest. Initial targets may be close to landing sites, but later targets may be targeted further away.Official Web
Mars Odyssey2001The probe aims to carry out extensive mapping of the quantity and distribution of chemical and mineral elements on the Martian surface. Hydrogen, data on Martian radiation and other elements will be searchedOfficial Web
Stardust1999Rendezvous with comet Wild-2 to collect samples of interstellar dust and the comet's tail, which will be encapsulated and returned to Earth for analysis in January 2006.Official Web
Mars Pathfinder1996Pioneering mission in the use of small planetary exploration vehicles. Their main exploration tool was a small rover called Sojourner. The mission collected pressure, temperature, and wind data just like a small weather station.Official Web

Outdoor Solar System

MissionRelease yearAimReferential imageLink
New Horizons2006
The primary objectives of this mission are to study the geology and morphology of Pluto and its satellite Charon, the planet's atmosphere and the surface composition of both objects. Additionally, it seeks to study how Pluto's surface and atmosphere changes over time.
Official Web
Cassini-Huygens1997The Cassini-Huygens mission is an ambitious project that seeks to carry out detailed studies of Saturn, the sixth planet in our Solar System, as well as its characteristic rings and the multiple moons that orbit this planet, with special emphasis on the largest of them all, TitanOfficial Web

Outside the Solar System

MissionRelease yearAimReferential imageLink
Voyager 1 and 21977Study of the outer planets, as well as continuing the course to reach interstellar space and have sufficient useful life to reach the heliopause zone.Official Web
Pioneer 10 and 111972 and 1973Study of the outer planets, particularly the planet Jupiter, its radiation rings and satellites, and then venturing beyond the Solar System.Official Web